Best Fishing Line For Travel Fishing-Ande Premium Monofilament Line 2 LB Spool

Weight Test 15 lb 20 lb 25 lb 30 lb 40 lb 50 lb 60 lb 80 lb

ANDE Premium monofilament is our standard production monofilament and is perfect for the vast majority of anglers. It is a medium-soft monofilament with excellent tensile and knot strength and it is very abrasion resistant. 

Model Weight Test (lb)
Length on Spool (yd)
2C-15 15
6000 Clear
2C-20 20 4800 Clear
2C-25 25 4000 Clear
2C-30 30 3200 Clear
2C-40 40 2800 Clear
2C-50 50 2000 Clear
2C-60 60 2000 Clear
2C-80 80 1200 Clear