Fishing Line For Freshwater-Hi-Seas Quattro Camo Fluorocarbon Line

Line Test 6lb 8lb 10lb 12lb 15lb 20lb 25lb 30lb 40lb 50lb 60lb 80lb 100lb 130lb
Size 25 yards 50 yards
  • High quality 100% fluorocarbon construction
  • 4 Color Camo leader ensures less visibility in all water
  • Affordable price in a variety of sizes
  • Available in 6lb – 130lb tests
  • 25 & 50 yard spool sizes in most tests

Here’s a product we think you’ll find quite interesting. Hi Seas introduced a Fluorocarbon leader at the 2009 ICAST show in Orlando. Since that time I’ve been using it as my primary leader material, and we’ve even included it in some of our long range charter gift bags so that other folks can become introduced to it’s benefits.  It’s a unique product, unlike anything we’ve worked with before in Fluorocarbon form. While there have been some colored fluorocarbon leaders that gained some following such as Yo-Zuri’s pink leader, our opinion was always that tinting an otherwise invisible line didn’t make sense – from an intuitive logic standpoint, why color something that should be invisible in the first place? Well, there’s one reason I didn’t consider… Your line acts as a transmission cable for light. In strong sunlight the line will conduct that energy and become visible. Hi Seas got around that issue by adding some tint to diffuse the light. But, they went a step further, actually several steps further. This line transitions into FOUR TINTS, breaking up the light transmission and making the line even more invisible to fish. It has a faster sink rate than mono based upon a standard fluorocarbon property relating to it’s specific gravity. The material is less visible, and with a transitioning tint it will be less visible under all light conditions. Interesting product, and something we think you’ll want to try. I’ve now been using this leader for over a year, and I have been impressed with it’s performance. It’s produced tuna for me when other guys didn’t get bit. It’s especially beneficial in strong sunlight conditions. We’ve tested the product both from a line test standpoint, diameter to test, and from a “bite” perspective. By all counts this is excellent stuff.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, the Hi Seas Quatro price is far more attractive than some of the better known products that are on the market now.  The price advantage is a major consideration, or at least should be given how much fluorocarbon we typically run these days. I tend to run straight braid, then connected to Fluorocarbon leader on many of my own rigs. I’ll use an entire spool of the FL line on top of my braid. That’s a great way to put the odds in your favor in terms of getting bit, especially when fishing bait. This is my go-to line of choice, price is one consideration, but if it didn’t get bit then who cares about price. Well, the stuff does indeed get bit quite well indeed.

Line Test (lb) Line Test (kg) Diameter (inch) Diameter (mm) Length (yards)
6 lb 2.7 kg 0.009 in 0.22 mm 25 yards
8 lb 3.6 kg 0.010 in 0.26 mm 25 yards
10 lb 4.5 kg 0.011 in 0.29 mm 25 yards
12 lb 5.4 kg 0.012 in 0.32 mm 25 yards
15 lb 6.8 kg 0.014 in 0.35 mm 25 yards
20 lb 9.1 kg 0.016 in 0.40 mm 25 & 50 yards
25 lb 11.3 kg 0.018 in 0.48 mm 25 & 50 yards
30 lb 13.6 kg 0.021 in 0.54 mm 25 & 50 yards
40 lb 18.1 kg 0.025 in 0.64 mm 25 & 50 yards
50 lb 22.6 kg 0.029 in 0.74 mm 25 & 50 yards
60 lb 27.2 kg 0.031 in 0.80 mm 25 & 50 yards
80 lb 36.3 kg 0.037 in 0.95 mm 25 & 50 yards
100 lb 45.3 kg 0.042 in 1.07 mm 25 & 50 yards
130 lb 58.9 kg 0.045 in 1.15 mm 25 & 50 yards