Best Fishing Hook For Soft Mouth Fish-Kamasan B520 Hooks To Nylon

Size 16 | 2lb 4oz 18 | 1lb 14oz 20 | 1.8oz 22 | 1lb 4oz 14| 3lb | .13 mm
The B520 is Britain's most popular and successful Match Hook and is fast gaining respect and popularity throughout the European Match Circuit.
Kamasan Hooks can rely upon for Strength, Design, Precision and Perfect Sharpness.

Available in:

Size 14 - 0.128mm line - 2lb 12oz - 1.32kg
Size 16 - 0.117mm line - 2lb 4oz - 1.1kg
Size 18 - 0.104mm line - 1lb 14oz- 0.87kg
Size 20 - 0.09mm line - 1lb 8oz - 0.7kg
Size 22 - 0.083mm line - 1lb 4o - 0.57kg