The Slug-Go soft plastics have been around for a long time and with good reason, they work. They're very versatile in terms of species, a wide range of species have been caught on them, the more regularly targeted ones include pelagics like kingfish, salmon and tailor.
Depending on what species you're chasing on the day and how they're feeding, you should change up the way you fish these plastics. Long sweeping actions with a slight pause between sweeps works well, but if that's not working you can always try a jerkier, twitchier retrieve to really get some erratic action out of the lure. Sometimes even a straight retrieve with a constant wind can work too.
The Lunker City Slug-Go's can be thrown around with a simple unweighted hook or twin hook setup (one at the front one 3/4 along), or used with standard jig heads if you're planning on fishing deeper. The smaller 6" Slug-go's will normally need a jig head of some sort to add extra casting weight, but anything bigger like the 7.5", the 9" or the 12" can be cast quite far without any extra weight added so unweighted hooks work well.