10-Pack of 6cm Octopus Squid Skirts (2) each of 5 Great Luminous Colors) tied using 40 Lb Test Trilene Big Game Line, 5) with 4/0 Red Octopus Snells and 5) with 2/0 Red Trebles and Deep Cup Hammered Nickel Colorado Spinner Blades.
We realize that this isn't the time of year to fish our New Hoochie's but it won't be long till the Springer are in the Rivers and they will make Great Christmas Gifts! These Prices are so low However, our prices are so low right now for Spring and Fall Salmon Fishermen! We used them this fall and hooked Chinook and Coho's in the Siletz River, Lincoln City, Oregon
They were used this last fall on the Siletz River, Lincoln City, Oregon with Great Results, see pictures of the Salmon below...
we have the right to substitute Hoochie’s of equal or greater value