Best Fishing Rod For Lake Fishing-Scierra "Big Fly" 9' 10#
Size9' 10#
Predators! This word is weighed with a certain archetypical ability to instill fear. If we close our eyes and whisper “predator” in our minds, most of us will feel a certain kind of paranoia creeping along our spines. The ruthless killers at the top of different food chains have been lurking around our forefathers for eons and every time we watch “Jurassic Park”, we just KNOW the feeling of being prey. It’s time for humanity to strike back. Beware all you toothy predators living in water; we are coming for you with a new series of fly rods that can carry really big flies, handle difficult wind conditions and force you giant killers into submission before the ultimate release. Three powerful, single hand, nine foot rods for the heavier weight classes that are more than ready to accompany humans into battle! We have equipped these rods with the perfect name: BIG FLY! Watch out, predators; we’re coming for you!